Campus Ministry » Retreats


Freshman Father/Son Service Retreat

As a school that prides itself on building "Men for Tomorrow," what better way is there to jump start that effort than through positive, faith-based, service-oriented, experiences with positive male role models? With this in mind, the Campus Ministry office invites all freshman to participate in a Service Retreat with his father (or an alternate father figure from his life).

This retreat is a great opportunity for prayer, service, father/son bonding, reflection, and fun.  We encourage all freshman to consider this opportunity. 

Sophomore Day of Prayer

Continuing on the theme of "Men for Tomorrow" established through parental role models during freshman year, the Campus Ministry office challenges each sophomore to turn inward and consider his goals in life and the impact that his decisions have on those goals today - both positively, and negatively. This day involves games, listening to seniors tell their stories of the decisions they have made and the benefits or consequences of those decisions, and consideration of the goals that we have. In particular, students are encouraged to invite God into their decision making process and think in terms of what God might be calling them to in their lives. Though this might involve a particular calling to the priesthood or religious life for some, we are all called by God to live as loving Christians – something we do our best to encourage on this day and all days. This retreat occurs off campus in groups of roughly 50 sophomores.


The Kairos Retreat is based upon the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is a three day spiritual experience in which each participant “retreats” from his ordinary life in order to look at his life as objectively as possible and consider how closely – or distantly – he is following in the path that Jesus set before us all. Themes include: 
  • “Who am I and why am I here?"
  • “When Jesus looks at me, what does he see?”
  • “Do you know what I have done for you?  Can you follow me?”  


All of this is accomplished through a series of very well prepared talks given by members of the senior class, who serve as leaders on the retreat and small group discussions. This retreat is a tremendous opportunity to tear down the walls and to thoroughly examine our relationship with Christ.


As we consider the question of how we follow Christ, the principle of providing a preferential option for the poor has been infused into the retreat.  This idea is firmly rooted in Catholic social teaching and is an educational goal of all Lasallian schools. It is our hope that as a result of this retreat, juniors will feel a sense of fulfilling their Christian baptism and Lasallian identity as they go forth from this retreat and serve the poor in their dedicated Christian service project.


Senior Retreat

High school can be a fleeting experience. With this reality in mind, the senior retreat asks the question, “What just happened?” In groups of no more than 30 at a time, seniors spend 24 hours away from campus and home, reflecting on what CBC has meant to them. Seniors are challenged to name their hopes, goals, and fears associated with moving away from CBC and becoming a man, while recognizing that each one of them has had someone who has been instrumental in their own lives. Additionally, time is spent identifying the pieces of CBC that have touched their hearts over the course of their four years together. During this time of reflection and conversation, the sense of community and brotherhood as a Christian family is reaffirmed.