Presidential Announcement

Dear Friends and Families of the CBC Community,

As we approach a significant milestone in our institution's history—the forthcoming 175th anniversary of Christian Brothers College High School and the unveiling of the Vision 175 Capital Campaign—we also find ourselves at the threshold of a new chapter in leadership. I am writing to share news of my intention to retire – the beginning of a transition to step down from my role as President and reflect on our remarkable journey together.

Over the course of my tenure, I have had the privilege of witnessing our institution's growth and impact firsthand. From pioneering academic initiatives to growing endowment to fostering an inclusive campus community and more, it has been an honor to serve as President and lead our dedicated team.

As we transition to a new era, I am happy to announce that our Board of Trustees will be conducting a thorough search for the next President who will guide us into our next phase of growth and achievement. Along with the expertise of a search firm, this endeavor will be guided by a search committee with representatives from the Brothers Midwest, the Board of Directors, Administration, Faculty, and Staff. This search will ensure that we continue to uphold the Lasallian values and traditions that have shaped our institution while embracing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

In conjunction with this transition, the silent phase of the Vision 175 capital campaign, to be unveiled later this year, represents an opportunity for us to rally together and propel our institution's success. This campaign will serve as a celebration of our achievements thus far and a launching pad for our aspirations in the years to come. Through your support and dedication, this initiative will be my ultimate and final focus. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our campus, our students, and the broader community. I encourage all members of our community to engage actively in the Vision 175 campaign when the time comes. Your contributions, whether through time, resources, or ideas, will shape the legacy we leave behind and set the stage for our future endeavors.

As part of the preparations for Vision 175 and with a heightened emphasis on Advancement endeavors, I have transitioned to the Novelly House, enabling me to work in close collaboration with the Advancement team. Reflecting upon our continued focus on advancing the mission, the Office of Mission & Ministry is relocating to the space formerly occupied by my office. This expansion of Mission & Ministry holds pivotal significance for the future of all institutions under the Brothers' guidance, and the Brothers welcome this change at CBC. My presence within the school will continue with the intent to deeply impact the hearts and the minds of CBC’s young men and faculty.

As we navigate this transition, I am confident that our institution is well-positioned to achieve greatness. I want to express my deep gratitude for your unwavering commitment and dedication throughout my tenure. The success we have achieved is a testament to your hard work and passion.

I'd like you to please stay tuned for updates on the presidential transition and the Vision 175 campaign. You can click the button below to read the supporting statements from the Christian Brothers Midwest. This collective support from our entire community is invaluable as we embark on this exciting journey together.

Thank you, and I look forward to celebrating our shared successes in the coming months.



Michael Jordan, AFSC
Christian Brothers College High School


Click Here to Read a Statement from the Brothers Midwest