This phrase means so much to us at CBC. It is more than just a motto, it is our mission. Every member of the CBC community is committed to preparing our young men for their future while giving them the opportunity to be a part of a brotherhood that will last a lifetime.
CBC is a student-centered school committed to delivering the very best student experience available in St. Louis -- or any other city for that matter!
Together, our young men grow intellectually, spiritually, creatively, and physically within a spirited and supportive school community.
Here are a few thoughts from graduates about what the CBC Brotherhood means to them.
"A CBC High School education is about a transformation from boys to men. It is about the formation of a brotherhood that will stand the test of time. It is about service and discovery. It is about coming to understand the world around us and the people that live in it, and ourselves, through real-life experiences."
- Tom Ignaczak '13
"I have learned about Brotherhood here at CBC. I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime, memories that I will never forget, and people who will be with me forever."
- Payton Indelicato '14
"The relationships I have created with my brothers at CBC have been the most meaningful relationships in my life. I am so proud to call not only my best friends my brothers, but each and every one of my classmates my brothers."
- Max Leach '14
"Over these past four years I have truly learned what family is all about. I know that no matter the trouble, pain, or sadness I am going through, my brothers will be there for me now and forever."
- Tommy Lee '14
"Looking back on my four years at CBC, one of the things that meant the most to me was the relationships I have developed with my classmates and plan to keep throughout the rest of my life. They truly are my brothers."
- AJ Woodman '19
"I have created such strong friendships that I consider some of them my brothers, and I hope to maintain those friendships even after we part ways and start our next journeys in life."
- Daniel McLaughlin '19
"When I came to CBC as an incoming freshman, I came with no friends and hopes of a new beginning. Now I will be leaving with the closest friends I have ever had. I am graduating with people that I am glad to call each of them my brother and that is something I find to be truly special."
- Michael Crane '19
"I've made friendships that will last a lifetime."
- Grant Tebeau '19
"CBC's emphasis on Brotherhood often times seems to be just a tag line, however, I truly met my brothers for life. CBC has brought us together to help create memories I will cherish for the rest of my life."
- Bryce Guttmann '20
"I came into CBC knowing less than 10 people in the Class of 2020. Today at graduation I am leaving with roughly 170 brothers that I know will be by my side and have my back through any ups and downs I may encounter in the future."
- Adam Borgmeyer '20
"At CBC I learned that the brotherhood is not just a trademark -- it's the real thing."
- Deven Dunn '20
"During my time at CBC the motto 'Brothers for Life, Men for Tomorrow' has been endlessly preached and I feel that the phrase perfectly sums up the CBC experience."
- Andrew Trybula '20
"The CBC brotherhood to me means willing the good of the other and helping us all strive to become better people by using all of our talents and skills to come together as one."
- Patrick Donovan '20
"CBC shoved brotherhood into our minds since Day 1. I didn't believe it too much at first, but now I realize that it's real and you build life-long friends."
- Riley Carron '20