Student Testimonials » Student Testimonials

Student Testimonials

“CBC changed my life. The culture at CBC pushed me to become the man that I desired to be. I wasn’t told who I was or who I should be. CBC means opportunity and I was blessed to have been able to take every opportunity that I wanted and turn it into a part of me and my daily life.” - Kenneth Hamilton ’21
“During my time here at CBC, I have watched my classmates, as well as myself, grow into men. CBC does not just offer an accredited education; CBC offers an experience. CBC offers unseen opportunities. Then, CBC teaches you how to use that experience and those opportunities to become leaders.” - Joshua Dacus ’21
“CBC is the place in St. Louis where boys turn to men. We all embrace each other and the school with pride. When people ask where I went to school, I’ll proudly say CBC.” - Elijah Roofe ’21


"Looking back on my four years at CBC, one of the things that meant the most to me was the relationships I have developed with my classmates and plan to keep throughout the rest of my life. They truly are my brothers." - AJ Woodman '19


"At CBC I learned that the brotherhood is not just a trademark - it's the real thing." - Deven Dunn '20


"When I came to CBC as an incoming freshman, I came with no friends and hopes of a new beginning. Now I will be leaving with the closest friends I have ever had. I am graduating with people that I am glad to call each of them my brother and that is something I find to be truly special." - Michael Crane '19


"Over the years I've come to know so many interesting people here at CBC. Everyone here, whether they know it or not, is enriching this community; a community I will never forget." - Max Sandbothe '17


"A CBC High School education is about a transformation from boys to men. It is about the formation of a brotherhood that will stand the test of time. It is about service and discovery. It is about coming to understand the world around us and the people that live in it, and ourselves, through real-life experiences." - Tom Ignaczak '13


"Looking back on my time at CBC I can definitely say that the experiences I have been through and the people I have met have made me a more open, more accepting, kinder person." - Matt Schulz '17


"When I came to CBC I was expecting a normal high school but instead I got a brotherhood. This place was more than a school for me it was a like a home.” - Nicholas Kellogg ’21


"I have learned about Brotherhood here at CBC. I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime, memories that I will never forget, and people who will be with me forever." - Payton Indelicato ’14


"Throughout my years here I started to notice CBC became more than just a school - it became my home. The people here became my second family. CBC became the place in my life where there were no boundaries. I wasn't labeled as 'a guy who played football' or 'a guy who did theater'. My friends always accepted me and encouraged me. I will be forever grateful." - Percy Brown '17

"Over these past four years I have truly learned what family is all about. I know that no matter the trouble, pain, or sadness I am going through, my brothers will be there for me now and forever. - Tommy Lee’14


"The most special thing about our school is the brotherhood. We preach that we are 'Brothers for Life', and while that is extremely easy to say, CBC is special because it follows it up with action." - Brad McGinnis '17


"CBC has never left my side no matter what, whether it was in times of rejoicing or even in times of trouble or sadness. It is just one of the many examples that shows how immense the connections are throughout this great community." - Cale Lipinski ’21


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