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Fine & Performing Arts » Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers
Our award-winning Band Program is open to all students. The Band of Brothers comprises student members of the Jazz Band, Cadet Band and Drumline.
Cadet Band
This is our entry level band for students with some previous musical experience. Cadet Band performs at various concerts and other school events throughout the school year. All instruments are welcome including all traditional woodwind and brass instruments, guitar, bass, drumset and percussion. Cadet Band is a regular class scheduled as a part of the school day.
Jazz Band
This is our elite level band with membership by audition only. This group performs multiple concerts, tours, festivals and various school events including varsity football and basketball games. Jazz Band is an "X" Period class, scheduled before the regular school day.
All percussionists and drummers in the Band Program are a part of our Drumline. This group provides spirited beats at varsity football games, concerts and other school functions. Drumline meets during Activity Period on an as needed basis.
Rock Band
The newest ensemble on our campus is the Rock Band. This group plays at many concerts and school events, including a few Varsity Football games. The ensemble is based on a traditional rock band set up -- guitars, drums, bass and keyboards, along with vocals. Rock Band is a regular class scheduled as a part of the school day.