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Testing Information

Standardized Testing is an important part of the College Application Process. The two major college entrance tests are the ACT and the SAT. While some schools are "test optional", the majority of schools still want to see the results of ACT and SAT Testing. The best time to begin taking these tests is in the middle of the junior year, once the student has a good foundation in Algebra II.
*Some highly selective schools require SAT subject tests.
NOTE: Extended Time is available for students with diagnosed disabilities who are currently receiving services at CBC. Contact Mrs. Tracy Gillilan at 314-985-6074 or at [email protected] for more information.
The PSAT/NMSQT is the test given each October that potentially qualifies students for National Merit Semifinalist  status. At CBC, we give it to any student who wishes to take it. Members of the CBC Honors Program are required to take it. There is a new test called the PSAT 10 that we will offer in the spring to any sophomore who chooses to take it. Members of the CBC Honors program will be required to take it.
The PRE-ACT test is given to freshmen and sophomores each spring. This test offers predicted scores and useful preparation for the ACT test.
AP Tests
AP Tests are offered at CBC each Spring. Mrs. Heather Gogel is the coordinator for these tests. She can be reached at [email protected] or at 314-985-6084.
NWEA tests are given periodically during the year as a way of measuring student progress. These tests help us measure student growth over time.